Mittelstand meets startup
We are rooted in the mittlestand and apply speed, culture and tools from the Berlin startup scene.
Best of both worlds.
At Viessmann, we work with our colleagues from wattx on digital and sustainable transformation topics. Their toolbox is a great addition to our organization.
Together, we develop new products and ventures in weeks, not months!

Max Viessmann
CEO Viessmann Group
CEO Viessmann Group
Cross - functional perspectives
Our leading principles for successful Venture Building
We take ownership and don’t make excuses.
We create impact, not slides.
We remain humble and keep on learning.
We are courageous and explore the unknown.
We are team players.
Ready to discuss your ideas?
Let’s talk!
Successful venture building requires trust in creative forward thinking, the combination of business, tech and design skills, and at the same time rigorous processes and decisions.